Language is the most significant medium of communication. Other than “sign” language and “body” language, “language” is made of “words” that are used for oral and written communication. The main purpose of communication is to convey information and ideas.
As lawyers, we spend a large part of our time crafting, articulating, and delivering end products which are made up of words. Charles Alan Wright, a leading authority on legal procedures and practice of law, said,
“The only tool of the lawyer is words. Whether we are trying a case, writing a brief, drafting a contract, or negotiating with an adversary, words are the only things we have to work with.”
Language of the Law
The two most significant exports from England are the English language and common law. English is the most popular global language. Common law is the most prevalent foundational law in countries which were colonies of the British Empire. English as the “language of the law” evolved over centuries.