Delhi High Court Highlights Basis For Assessing Patentable Subject Matter Eligibility Of Computer Related Inventions
In the case, Blackberry Limited v the Controller of Patents and Design, Blackberry Limited (Blackberry) challenged an impugned order issued against its Indian patent application (application) for an invention relating to enhance user interaction with multimedia devices and autofill media files based on available...

Interpretation of a Patent Claim during Patent Infringement
In the case of Itw Gse Aps & Anr. v Dabico Airport Solutions Pvt Ltd & Ors, the plaintiff, ITW GSE ApS (ITW) filed a suit seeking a permanent injunction against Dabico Airport Solutions Pvt. Ltd (Dabico) to prevent Dabico from dealing in products that allegedly infringes ITW’s suit patent.
The suit patent...

Asserting Patent Infringement with the help of Doctrine of Equivalence
The overarching issue in SNPC Machines Private Limited & Ors. v. Mr. Vishal Choudhary revolves around the application of the doctrine of equivalents to determine patent infringement, focusing on whether functional similarities between two competing brick-making machines constitute a violation of patent rights, despite differences in their...

Delhi High Court on the use of trademarks as keywords in Google Ads Program
Significant changes to benefit patent applicants and owners
The Delhi High Court ruled on two appeals involving Google’s use of trademarks as keywords in its Ads Program, finding that using trademarks as keywords does not inherently constitute trademark infringement, thus upholding Google’s practice in both...

Delhi High Court Restricts Sale of Refurbished Goods for ‘Reverse Passing-Off
Reverse passing off is not something that courts encounter every day. It occurs when a defendant purchases a plaintiff’s product, repackages, and sells it under the defendant’s mark or name, resulting in the public coming to associate the qualities of the plaintiff’s product with that of the defendant.
When this adversely...