On October 26, 2024, Latha Nair, was conferred a rare recognition in Reims, France at the Pommery Champagne House, during the AIDV-IWLA Annual Conference.
She was honoured as Dame Chevalière de l’Ordre des Coteaux de Champagne (OCC). A leading GI lawyer, Latha was instrumental in the registration of Champagne as a GI in India in 2010 and has spearheaded the Champagne protection in India since then. The OCC states on its website that it comprises of people from all `walks of life` who are true followers of Champagne and that it extols the wines of Champagne. The honour consists of a medal and a certificate in which the OCC recognizes Latha’s loyalty to the Champagne wines reflected in the protection work of Champagne in India. It is a matter of pride for K&S Partners, whose credentials in the field of GIs are exceptional, especially when the firm is celebrating its 30th anniversary.