Delhi HC’s Key Ruling on Amendments & Experimental Data in Patent Applications
In the matter of JFE Steel Corporation v The Controller of Patents, the Delhi High Court allowed JFE Steel Corporation (JFE) to file amendments to claims and supplement the complete specification by providing new experimental data to support the claims made in its patent application.
The Court also ordered the...

Madras HC Rescues TVS’s Patent: IPO Overlooked Innovation in Braking
In the case of TVS Motor Company Limited v The Assistant Controller of Patents, TVS Motor Company Limited (TVS) filed a patent application at the Indian Patent Office (IPO) for a user-selectable regenerative braking system designed for electric or hybrid vehicles.
This would enable multiple braking modes based on...

Delhi HC Weighs in on VE Commercial vs. Jaswant Industries Dispute
In the case of VE Commercial Vehicles Limited v Jaswant Industries & Ors, the Delhi High Court granted the injunction restraining Jaswant Industries & Ors (Jaswant Industries and two travel companies collectively known as Defendants) from dealing with the buses infringing design registrations of VE Commercial Vehicles Limited (VE...

Delhi High Court Highlights Basis For Assessing Patentable Subject Matter Eligibility Of Computer Related Inventions
In the case, Blackberry Limited v the Controller of Patents and Design, Blackberry Limited (Blackberry) challenged an impugned order issued against its Indian patent application (application) for an invention relating to enhance user interaction with multimedia devices and autofill media files based on available...

Delhi High Court: Non-Attendance of Hearing Is Not Abandonment
In Star Scientific Limited v the Controller of Patents and Designs, the Delhi High Court emphasized the mandate of the Controller of Patents and Designs’ (Controller) to issue a reasoned and speaking order while deciding the fate of a patent application, regardless of the Applicant not attending the hearing.

Interpretation of a Patent Claim during Patent Infringement
In the case of Itw Gse Aps & Anr. v Dabico Airport Solutions Pvt Ltd & Ors, the plaintiff, ITW GSE ApS (ITW) filed a suit seeking a permanent injunction against Dabico Airport Solutions Pvt. Ltd (Dabico) to prevent Dabico from dealing in products that allegedly infringes ITW’s suit patent.
The suit patent...

Madras HC Favors Microsoft, Reaffirms Delhi HC’s Patentability for Software
In its first decision on the patentability of computer programs, the Madras High Court clarified how software-based inventions can be patentable by showcasing technical effect and without the need for novel/inventive hardware.
In the case Microsoft Technology Licensing LLC v Assistant Controller of Patents &...

Delhi HC Grants Injunction to Falcon Autotech on Sortation System
In the case, Falcon Autotech Private Limited v Kengic Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd, the Delhi High Court passed an ex-parte ad-interim injunction to stop Kengic Intelligent Technology Co. Ltd (Kengic) from manufacturing, selling, importing, exporting, and/or offering for sale, advertising, exhibiting, and/or promoting, in any manner, products...

Can a Counterclaim Be Filed Against a Trademark Rectification Petition?
The question that arose before the Madras High Court in Chennai in Solidaire Digital Electronics Private Limited v Salahudeen Abdul Latheef & Anr case was the maintainability of a counterclaim against a rectification petition against a trademark registration for the mark “SOLIDARE”.
Besides filing a counter to...

Delhi HC Halts Misuse of Longest Running Indian Sitcom Character’s Rights
Neela Film Production Private Limited v Tarakmehtakaooltachashmah.com & Ors before the Delhi High Court was a suit for restraining an array of defendants, including John Does, from, among others, infringement of copyright and trademark, misappropriation of publicity rights, unfair competition, passing off and...