MP High Court Upholds SWA’s Right to Sue for GI Infringement
The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), the group in charge of the GI “Scotch Whisky” incorporated in the UK, won recently a constitutional writ (Scotch Whisky Association v J.K. Enterprises) before the High Court of Madhya Pradesh in Indore.
The writ challenged an order passed by the Commercial Court in District Indore, which, inter-alia, held that SWA’s suit for infringement of its GI...
India gov’t publishes Draft GI of Goods Amendment Rules, 2023
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MetaVerse and NFTs – The unchartered frontier and opportunities for Brands
What brands need to know about NFTs, the metaverse and associated Intellectual Property rights
Non Fungible Tokens / NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on a blockchain or in a digital ledger. As the name suggests, being ‘Non-Fungible’ it cannot be duplicated and is not interchangeable. Each NFT has unique...

National handloom week: A time to fix the GI magic wand
The GI Act enacted in 2003 was believed to revive the dying handloom industry in India. However, 19 years later, the benefits failed to trickle down to the rural workers. What can we do to make the magic wand work?
India is celebrating the handloom week from April 7 to 14, 2022. While the handloom industry in India is...

The propriety of registering regional food stuff as a Geographical Indication
The recent controversy between the States of West Bengal and Odisha over the intellectual property (IP) rights over a sweetmeat raises several questions on the propriety of registering every regional food stuff as a geographical indication (GI).
Many a sweet and savoury dish is born into India’s rich culinary...