Patent Subject Matter Eligibility – A Global Guide – Globe Law & Business
A great compendium of subject matter eligibility requirements across various jurisdictions and a handy reference for developing a prosecution strategy across jurisdictions for inventions in a given technical domain. - Nitin Sharma, Director, Engineering and Patent Counsel, Qualcomm India
Patentees file applications in more...

The India Biological Diversity Act: A review of the Amendment Bill 2021
When the Intellectual Property Appellate Board was suddenly abolished in April, lawyers across India were taken by surprise. Espie Angelica A. de Leon finds out just what lawyers are thinking of its abolition in this eulogy to the IPAB.
It is important for countries like India, with diverse biological resources, to have...

Role of IPR in Forming Legal Strategies for Pharma Industry
Pharmaceutical industry currently has an evolving IPR strategy requiring a better focus and approach in the coming era. This article chalks out the evolving role of IPR in framing legal strategies for pharmaceutical industry.
In the era of globalisation, there is a constant technological race especially in the field of...

Patent working statement obligation in India – Life sciences sector implications
What is the working statement obligation?
The Indian Patents Act 1970 requires every patentee and licensee to commercially “work” their patents in India to the fullest extent. This is to encourage inventions and ensure that Indian patents are commercially worked in India to the fullest extent possible, within...
Patent working statement obligation in India – Life sciences sector implications
What is the working statement obligation?
The Indian Patents Act 1970 requires every patentee and licensee to commercially “work” their patents in India to the fullest extent. This is to encourage inventions and ensure that Indian patents are commercially worked in India to the fullest extent possible, within...