Bio-accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Fishes of Kharkai River, Jamshedpur.
When the Intellectual Property Appellate Board was suddenly abolished in April, lawyers across India were taken by surprise. Espie Angelica A. de Leon finds out just what lawyers are thinking of its abolition in this eulogy to the IPAB.
Kharkai is the principal tributary of river Subarnrekha passing through Chotonagpur...

Removal of arsenic from groundwater using low cost ferruginous manganese ore
Removal of arsenic from groundwater using low cost
ferruginous manganese ore
Occurrence of arsenic in groundwater may be both anthropogenic and geogenic in nature. Anthropogenic activities include mining, release of industrial effluents, wanton disposal of chemical wastes, to name a few. Arsenic from these wastes is...

Finite element analysis to study changes in natural frequencies due to cracks
When significant damage occurs in structures, there is a change in stiffness, which in turn affects the natural frequency. To study this, a study was conducted to analyse the effect of cracks on natural frequencies in two vessel structures.
To study this, a study was conducted to analyse the effect of cracks on natural...